

VoCo And The Future of Fake Videos

“Don’t put words in my mouth,” we often say. But apparently this mischief is something we enjoy. Just take a look at the 800 million total video views on Bad

sports journalism

Why Is Sports Journalism Getting Shut Out?

While sports have seen some minimal changes over the years, such as minor rule tweaks or instant replay, how we follow our favorite games has changed dramatically. First, fans were


Lab-Grown Beef, It’s What’s for Dinner

Whether you prefer GMO-free foods or free-range raised animals, nowadays there’s a lot more choice when it comes to your meals. However, soon enough the only choice you’ll be making

Home Sweet 3D Printed Home

Building a home can be extremely expensive, taking months or even years to complete. But imagine if constructing a house were as easy as just pressing “print.” Apis Cor, a


Friendly Neighborhood Spider, Man

Next time you see a spider in your home, you might want to think twice before flushing it down the toilet. That’s because spiders do the important work of gobbling


How Will ‘The Simpsons’ End?

I make it no secret that I’m a huge fan of The Simpsons. For decades now, my go-to show when I’m relaxing has been a classic episode of the inexplicably


Sudio Regent Review

As both a musician and a person that prefers not to talk to people on the bus, I’ve spent a good amount of my life wearing headphones. Therefore, I’ve acquired


Apple Says Goodbye to the Dedicated iPod

After the near loss of Microsoft Paint this week, I didn’t think my middle-school self could handle much more. Then, yesterday, a piece of that self died when Apple decided

Shark Week

How Shark Week Affects Our View of Sharks

For about 30 years, Shark Week has returned summer after summer like a national holiday. What started as a simple educational show on conservation has now become a cultural phenomenon.


Fake Images Fool Almost Half of us

Since the dawn of the internet, one question has plagued mankind: is this image real or fake? There’s no shortage of examples of this, from more plausible examples such as

Top 7 Unique VR Experiences for New Users

Virtual reality is still in its early stages, but the technology behind this media is progressing, thanks in great part to its increasing popularity. Virtual reality has become the richer

Infinity War

What If ‘Infinity War’ Is Just OK?

Have you heard of a little film called Avengers: Infinity War? It’s part of this thing called the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and might make the lesser-known company a few dollars.


Tips On Starting Your First Podcast

It’s a common belief that everyone seems to have their own podcast these days. From celebrities to artists to the silky-voiced author of this article, there are tons of shows


The Spider-Man Films You’ll Never See

Today marks the official release of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Marvel’s attempt to regain creative control over the character that makes more than a billion dollars a year in merchandise. So, in


Inside Kevin Conroy’s Amazing DCC Panel

For over 20 years, one man has been the most recognizable voice of the iconic superhero Batman. Kevin Conroy, who has voiced the Dark Knight since 1992’s Batman: The Animated

Denver Comic Con

Cosplay Gallery: The Best of Denver Comic Con 2017

The Denver Comic Con is the perfect place for cosplayers. Here are some of the standouts from the 2017 event. [mp_carousel_1 carousel_images=”43435,43437,43439,43440,43441,43442,43443,43444,43445,43446,43447,43448,43449,43450,43451,43452,43453″]


The Exhaustion Of Modern Content Consumption

The internet is a utopia of entertainment. With the monumental amount of articles, videos, and avenues to consume content, it’s pretty difficult to feel bored with a strong Wi-Fi connection.


Is YouTube Killing The Music Industry?

Whether you’re an avid headbanger, casual metalhead, or just think the logo looks cool, there’s a good chance you know about Metallica. While the band is known for their thrashing

GIFS Celebrate Their 30th Birthday

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whether you pronounce it the way it’s spelled, more like the peanut butter, or prefer to stay out of that argument altogether, you can’t deny that GIFs have gotten pretty

The Top 5 Things I Learned at E3 2017

E3 2017 has officially wrapped up, and there is plenty to talk about. The crazy amount of Nintendo reveals. The announcement of long-anticipated games like Beyond Good And Evil 2.

Genius Season Finale Preview

One of the more interesting television premieres of 2017 has been the first season of Genius, a miniseries focusing on the life of Albert Einstein. The season finale, included in

Top Five E3 Fun Facts

Top Five Fun E3 Facts Click Image for Full Screen! [mp_carousel_1 carousel_images=”14970,14956,14957,14958,14954″]


VoCo And The Future of Fake Videos

“Don’t put words in my mouth,” we often say. But apparently this mischief is something we enjoy. Just take a look at the 800 million total video views on Bad

sports journalism

Why Is Sports Journalism Getting Shut Out?

While sports have seen some minimal changes over the years, such as minor rule tweaks or instant replay, how we follow our favorite games has changed dramatically. First, fans were


Lab-Grown Beef, It’s What’s for Dinner

Whether you prefer GMO-free foods or free-range raised animals, nowadays there’s a lot more choice when it comes to your meals. However, soon enough the only choice you’ll be making

Home Sweet 3D Printed Home

Building a home can be extremely expensive, taking months or even years to complete. But imagine if constructing a house were as easy as just pressing “print.” Apis Cor, a


Friendly Neighborhood Spider, Man

Next time you see a spider in your home, you might want to think twice before flushing it down the toilet. That’s because spiders do the important work of gobbling


How Will ‘The Simpsons’ End?

I make it no secret that I’m a huge fan of The Simpsons. For decades now, my go-to show when I’m relaxing has been a classic episode of the inexplicably


Sudio Regent Review

As both a musician and a person that prefers not to talk to people on the bus, I’ve spent a good amount of my life wearing headphones. Therefore, I’ve acquired


Apple Says Goodbye to the Dedicated iPod

After the near loss of Microsoft Paint this week, I didn’t think my middle-school self could handle much more. Then, yesterday, a piece of that self died when Apple decided

Shark Week

How Shark Week Affects Our View of Sharks

For about 30 years, Shark Week has returned summer after summer like a national holiday. What started as a simple educational show on conservation has now become a cultural phenomenon.


Fake Images Fool Almost Half of us

Since the dawn of the internet, one question has plagued mankind: is this image real or fake? There’s no shortage of examples of this, from more plausible examples such as

Top 7 Unique VR Experiences for New Users

Virtual reality is still in its early stages, but the technology behind this media is progressing, thanks in great part to its increasing popularity. Virtual reality has become the richer

Infinity War

What If ‘Infinity War’ Is Just OK?

Have you heard of a little film called Avengers: Infinity War? It’s part of this thing called the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and might make the lesser-known company a few dollars.


Tips On Starting Your First Podcast

It’s a common belief that everyone seems to have their own podcast these days. From celebrities to artists to the silky-voiced author of this article, there are tons of shows


The Spider-Man Films You’ll Never See

Today marks the official release of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Marvel’s attempt to regain creative control over the character that makes more than a billion dollars a year in merchandise. So, in


Inside Kevin Conroy’s Amazing DCC Panel

For over 20 years, one man has been the most recognizable voice of the iconic superhero Batman. Kevin Conroy, who has voiced the Dark Knight since 1992’s Batman: The Animated

Denver Comic Con

Cosplay Gallery: The Best of Denver Comic Con 2017

The Denver Comic Con is the perfect place for cosplayers. Here are some of the standouts from the 2017 event. [mp_carousel_1 carousel_images=”43435,43437,43439,43440,43441,43442,43443,43444,43445,43446,43447,43448,43449,43450,43451,43452,43453″]


The Exhaustion Of Modern Content Consumption

The internet is a utopia of entertainment. With the monumental amount of articles, videos, and avenues to consume content, it’s pretty difficult to feel bored with a strong Wi-Fi connection.


Is YouTube Killing The Music Industry?

Whether you’re an avid headbanger, casual metalhead, or just think the logo looks cool, there’s a good chance you know about Metallica. While the band is known for their thrashing

GIFS Celebrate Their 30th Birthday

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whether you pronounce it the way it’s spelled, more like the peanut butter, or prefer to stay out of that argument altogether, you can’t deny that GIFs have gotten pretty

The Top 5 Things I Learned at E3 2017

E3 2017 has officially wrapped up, and there is plenty to talk about. The crazy amount of Nintendo reveals. The announcement of long-anticipated games like Beyond Good And Evil 2.

Genius Season Finale Preview

One of the more interesting television premieres of 2017 has been the first season of Genius, a miniseries focusing on the life of Albert Einstein. The season finale, included in

Top Five E3 Fun Facts

Top Five Fun E3 Facts Click Image for Full Screen! [mp_carousel_1 carousel_images=”14970,14956,14957,14958,14954″]





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