Big Wheels Keep on Turning…Quietly

While headlines have showcased a dip in the light-duty car sector, big trucks, commercial vehicles, over-the-road, and short-haul semis have seen a surge in recent technology deployments.

How Mounting Regulations on Plastics Stifle Innovation

What if legislators placed heavy design restrictions on the automotive or aerospace industries? What if engineers at Tesla or Boeing saw their research capabilities reduced to a small palette of less-creative, material options?

Our High-Tech Healthcare Companions

Of the many technologies portrayed in science fiction that have become reality, robots have perhaps played the greatest role in rapidly reshaping our society. From architecture to zoology, you can find these electronic helpers tirelessly working alongside their human counterparts in just about every area of research and industry.

Top 5 Digital Transformations in the Public Sector

Broadly defined, digital transformation encompasses all the activities and processes of integrating and adapting digital technology for new and existing business workflows. There is no department or objective within an organization that wouldn’t benefit from the overall intent of digital transformation initiatives in any industry. However, public sector entities can benefit from modernizing and automating their processes and accessing their data.

9 Clever Ways to Improve Your Office Culture

Since employees keep your business running, you need to create a healthy company culture to help them thrive. You have probably already taken some steps towards making the work environment […]

Making Sure Your Social Media Can Control Who Sees What

Today we live in a world that is entirely driven by technology, and getting any work done requires plenty of dependencies on the internet. These days the gateway to someone’s life is through their electronic devices, whether it be their phones, computers, or even their MP3 players. Applications like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok have all risen to popularity over the last decade tremendously. Even though questions regarding their privacy issues and lack of security have often done the rounds, it still has not stopped their immense popularity.

The Top 50 Innovative Products (Part Five)

Star Wars The Force Coding Kit Coming from a galaxy far, far away, The Force Coding Kit combines the rich world of Start Wars with the educational side of coding. […]

Why FTP Servers are Still Relevant

First developed in 1971, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers have long served a key part in data communication. Before the advent of Transfer Connection Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), […]

Amazon Wants to Take You for a Ride

Retail Giant Spends $1B+ for Zoox AV Startup Amazon appears to be looking for new markets to dominate, including future robotaxis, as it last week added autonomous vehicle (AV) developer […]

3 Tried-and-Tested Strategies for Scaling Up Your Online Business

If you decided now is the time to begin scaling up the online presence of your business, you have made the right decision. Despite the fact an estimated 97% of all customers search for products online before making a purchase, only 51% of businesses actually have any kind of web presence at all.

The Top 50 Most Innovative Products (Part Four)

Apollo Neuro Launching Jan. 31, 2020, Apollo is a well-designed wearable that looks to collaborate with your nervous system and improve your health. Combining the wearable with the free app […]

Vans Are Becoming The Hottest New Electric Vehicle

General Motors surprised some industry watchers by making one of its 20 upcoming electric vehicles a commercial van. In addition, the electric van will be the third in a series of new vehicles coming out of the repurposed Hamtramck (Detroit) plant.

The Time for AR is Now and Your Health May Depend On It

In recent years, we’ve seen great strides as companies like Microsoft and TeamViewer introduce and implement its own use cases for AR, which has made attending Las Vegas’ Consumer Electronics Show that much more exciting.

Trees, Tech, and Climate Change

An inside look at the technologies protecting our nation’s forests From paper goods to lumber and wildlife habitat to recreation, our forests provide value in countless ways. However, forest management […]

Mercedes and Nvidia Partner on Self-Driving Cars

Mercedes-Benz invented the automobile 134 years ago—and four years from now is asserting it will reinvent the transportation device. New models introduced in 2024 with being equipped with a still-being-designed super processor from chipmaker Nvidia that will allow customers to upgrade their cars later and add new features such as self-driving capabilities.

Self-Driving Cars Are Not a Safety Solution

There are two ways of looking at autonomous vehicles, and both of them are true. A thorough analysis by one of country’s leading automotive insurance research groups threw some hard data—some would say cold water—on self-driving car technology and the reactions were in predictably stark contrasts. Potential headlines on the news:

New Injection Molding Technology Could Close COVID-19 Testing Gap

Following the White House’s declared state of emergency in March and subsequent Harvard study showing a need for up to 20 million COVID-19 tests per day by the end of summer, innovation from the manufacturing industry has responded with a scalable technology capable of closing the testing gap. 

Can Social Media Really Be Regulated?

Last week, President Trump introduced an executive order in response to Twitter’s fact-checking labels. The situation then initiated discussions around regulating social media platforms. Though Trump is attempting to introduce new changes to the 1996 Communications Decency Act, tech experts and government officials are skeptical of how far the order can go.

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