Are Microchips the Future of Birth Control?

In the near future, birth control come in the form of pills or IUDs, but rather a small microchip inserted below the skin. Sound crazy? Check out the video below to learn more!

Top 10 Tech Products for October 2019

From hyper-durable smartphones and the latest STEM products to high-tech beds and seamless portable chargers, we have something for everyone on this list.

10 Most Demanded Connected Car Features

connected cars

Which features are car buyers looking for? Safety, remote parking capability, built-in Google Earth… What’s really driving the connected car revolution?

Meet Kiki, Your New AI-Powered Pet


Looking for a companion to spruce up your home? Then Kiki might be the robot for you. Check out the video below to learn more about this new robotic pet.

Neurofeedback: What is it and Why Should You Care?


Neurofeedback technology helps both us and healthcare professionals better understand what’s going on in our brains, helping improve mental health diagnoses and management. To learn more about this technology, check out the video below!

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