9 Ways Technology Can Improve Employee Engagement

One of the biggest challenges for most companies is how to build a strong company culture. Investing in a positive working environment can promote productivity and encourage your employees to be more responsive and goal-orientated. Your goal should be to provide conditions that will improve communication and engagement.

Restaurants Are Using Tech To Survive The Pandemic

COVID-19 took the world by storm. People have been dealing for nearly a full year with the virus’s effects. How long it will stick around is unknown. One industry that’s taken a particularly hard hit is restaurants. With social distancing and quarantines, people have been turning away from dining for the most part. However, technology is here to help. 

Remote Control; The COVID-19 Pandemic And A Stay-At-Home Hobby

When Jean-Pierre Deheeger or “JP” bought a Hobby Town franchise in the Chicago area 13 years ago, he didn’t go into the venture blindly.

A 2010 Hobby Manufacturers report showed the RC (remote control) industry had grown to just over 2.5-billion-dollar industry globally and no signs of a down slide.

5 Ways To Become A Role Model In STEM

In my travels, I often meet professional women that ask how to get involved in professional organizations or which ones to join?  Other than the obvious, USA Loves Manufacturing, on the top of my list is STEM for Women.  One of the top needs for US based manufacturing and tech companies is more women in STEM. 

9 Travel Tech Essentials That Will Upgrade Your Trip

No matter what your destination is, there are many things to keep in mind while packing luggage. Tastes and preferences vary from person to person. Taking tech-driven gadgets remains the first priority for global travelers for the seamless connectivity they bring. It is hard to stay without essential gadgets during travel and on reaching a destination.

Understanding The ‘Childcare Effect’ In A SaaS Infrastructure

Parental supervision is fundamental to a child’s academic success. And having quick access to academic information and performance is integral to a healthy learning environment, which is why with COVID-19 forcing students of all ages online, platforms such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, among others have thrived.

Virtual Cannabis Conference Marks New Era In Event Technology

With the COVID-19 pandemic firmly in place, industries relying on events are being forced to not only rethink their marketing and promotion strategies, they are also seeing a demand to take their shows online by innovating reactive, virtual platforms. 

Tired Of The Same Old Social Media?

Grollow, a group following app launched earlier this month and will be revolutionizing social media as we know it! Think Twitter for Groups.

Grollow c

Integrating A Chatbot Into Classroom Learning

Chatbots In The Classroom: Applications & Benefits

Education, which forges the future bright minds, needs a transformation that begins from its grassroots. As technology continues to become integral to our daily life, education must also change with the times. It must adopt novel ways of teaching and training so that the students of the future are truly prepared for the future.  

High-Tech Medical Devices For The Smart Home

Your smart home probably has gadgets to help you enjoy more convenience or stay entertained. Why not add to the assortment and invest in things that could improve your well-being? Here are seven high-tech medical devices to consider adding to your smart home. 

How A Technology Firm Pivoted During Unprecedented Times

Moorestown, New Jersey-based Starlite Productions International, Inc. is making the most of the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic. The company – a local tech firm providing commercial audiovisual and lighting solutions for the performing arts, casinos, universities, retail, houses of worship, and high-profile events has uncovered a new niche to help their client’s transition to reopen their doors.

The Future Of Work – What Comes After The Pandemic?

COVID-19 changed the world rapidly and so did the corporate work environment. Companies of all sizes and segment were forced to adapt and support hundreds of thousands of employees to work remotely. Companies were left to scramble to add more bandwidth at the data centers, call paths to keep contact centers from experiencing massive backlogs, enabling video and collaboration services to maintain employee productivity.

3 Digital Signage Content Tools

Digital signage can be anything and everything that places (i.e. businesses, campuses, etc.) will set their mind to. Whether advertising products and services, or announcing an important event, or even just reporting the current temperatures outside, digital signage normally beats out printed media.

Top Wearable Trends in 2020

Wearables is arguably one of the biggest buzzwords in technology this year. Not only are smartwatches becoming increasingly popular with more and more models being released, but this realm of technology is also branching out into many new and exciting areas. This range from medical wearables to smart rings, and many have the potential to change our lives for the better.

UK Esports Betting Explodes In Lockdown By Nearly 3,000%

While esports betting was already expected to be among the rare few industries to benefit from this year’s lockdowns intended to slow the spread of COVID-19, just how much rewards it managed to reap over the last few months is still a sight to behold.

Tech Is Making Travel Safer During the Pandemic

A lot of people now work from home, thanks to COVID-19, but not everyone has that luxury. Whether you’re a remote worker who needs to travel or have a meeting you can’t miss, you may need to take a trip. With the pandemic still raging, that can be a cause for concern.

Q and A; Nev Schulman Takes on a Virtual Season of Catfish: The TV Show

While the world may still be socially distancing, people are online now more than ever looking for connections and answers. The eighth season of MTV’s Catfish: The TV Show will go to the ends of the internet to find them. For the first time ever, Executive Producer and host Nev Schulman and co-host Kamie Crawford work together, remotely, to do what they do best: track down the truth.

7 Ways Artificial intelligence is Revolutionizing the Mobile App Industry in 2020

Artificial Intelligence is redefining how we look at technology and use it. A lot of people have used this technology to improve the engagement level within the app, and increase the conversion rate for the business. We don’t have an Iron Man-like mobile app as of now but, we are constantly progressing towards making apps revolutionary, usable, and predictive. We are using predictive analytics’ engine, and other coding methods to enhance the mobile apps and make them more experiential.

New Healthcare Plan Could Help You Pay Deductible

In the U.S., the global coronavirus has claimed nearly 100,000 lives and 30 million jobs. Consequently, what COVID-19 has brought to light is the strength of our country’s health care infrastructure, begging the decades-old question of how we perceive medicine, doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit in Toronto Offers Unique Drive-In Experience

Drive-in movie theaters are clearly enjoying a major resurgence during the COVID era.  But the drive-in concept has also taken root in less traditional venues.  One of the more ingenious drive-in leisure experiences emerging during the pandemic is the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit in Toronto, which includes an aptly named drive-in version called GOGH by car and a “walk-in version.”  

COVID-19’s Impact on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every currency in the world, including digital currencies. In addition, it has impacted blockchain, the tech behind digital currencies. But how exactly will the pandemic impact cryptocurrency and the blockchain space in the months to come? Read on to find out.

The Good and the Bad: What Technology Does To Our Kids?

It’s no secret that there are many beneficial uses for technology, especially considering how much of our life is now handled remotely. Children are now learning, socializing, and playing through a screen. But too much screen time has been found to impact brain development, especially in younger children. When it comes to the never-ending tech debate, it can be easy to find yourself fighting for either side. So how do we balance the scale? 

GM Lays Out Electric Car & Truck Plans

12 New EVs Coming, But Many not for Three Years

Most car companies don’t talk about future product in good times, for fear of distracting from current models on sale. When the market’s not smiling on their brand, they might open up more about what they have coming. Chalk it up to a worldwide pandemic that has crushed dreams of a decent 2020 automotive market then, that General Motors has released extensive details of its plan to introduce 12 new electric models in the next four years.

Four Innovations To Make Your LMS Stand Out

Online education has recently gained incredible traction, and this comes as no big surprise considering the worldwide lockdown. To remain up to speed on user demand in the time of COVID-2019, educational establishments and businesses are looking for best ways of delivering high-quality services.

The Intersection of HR and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence impacts our everyday lives both at home and at work significantly. Indeed, artificial intelligence is able to give driving directions or music and movie recommendations, control the lights in your house and unlock your car. It transforms people’s lives by making them more efficient with the help of numerous services and programs.

Say What? The Language of Internet Gaming Slang

Every time you hop into an online game, you’ll get a chance to see and hear a lot of gaming slang. The gaming slang has been evolving and there are so many terms and acronyms you have to become familiar with. You can play without the knowledge of gaming slang but it’ll be like conversing with people who don’t speak the language you do.

The Little Red Schoolhouse Goes Hi-Tech

Education Automation Saving Time Classroom to Increase Personal Learning

It’s the toughest job in the world. Because when you’re a teacher, you’re not just showing kids how to read, how to add and subtract, or how to understand photosynthesis or the laws of thermodynamics.

CES 2021 Conference Canceled, Tech Event Moves Online

Why Will CES 2021 Be a Virtual Gathering?

The Consumer Technology Association — the group behind the CES — posted a press release explaining its decision. The COVID-19 pandemic caused them to scrap plans for the usual kind of event this year.

DuPont Shifts to Formula 1 as Fast Track to Consumers

Corporation Uses Racing as Quick Test for New Products

More than a century ago, corporate giant DuPont waded into the automotive world by investing in the fledgling General Motors Corporation, with the eponymous head of DuPont ending up being its chairman and later president. The chemical company lately hasn’t been involved to that degree in the car business, but last year found another sector of automotive that suited its business model—Formula 1 racing.

Powering Up Mobile Phones to Fight COVID-19

The U.S. leads the world in COVID-19 illnesses and deaths, according to John Hopkins University data. The nation headed into its Fourth of July celebrations—with over 2.8 million confirmed cases and approximately 130,000 lives lost to the coronavirus. Over 1,000 people have died each day since the country’s first known death by the virus in February. But 81% of Americans own mobile phones that could significantly curb this national failure in testing, tracing, isolating and quarantining.

7 Destinations That Will Pay You To Visit Once The Pandemic Is Over

Many of us have become shut-ins by force due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Staying home has its perks, but many people have been planning their next vacation since lockdown began. With so many nations across the world experiencing economic hardship due to the pandemic, some have plans around increasing tourism and restoring economic standing.

Wearables Might Be Powered by Sweat Sooner Than You Think

The future of wearables is here. These devices have been around for a few years but have recently taken off as hot commodities. Whether it’s for exercise or health, wearable technology is becoming increasingly valuable. Though these devices usually use battery power to operate, new wearable technology now has a biological option — sweat.

Post-Pandemic SUVs Head Two Different Directions

New Models Introduced This Week Offer Electric or High-Horsepower Gas Choices

The automotive market is not always clear in the direction it’s taking at any given moment. This week was one of those weeks. Future SUV buyers are going to be able to choose from a very green path or one emphasizing horsepower and off-road proficiency.

7 Smart Ways to Secure Your IoT Devices

In this digital world where everyone is hooked on the latest technological devices, the concept of IoT (Internet of Things) is at the forefront of all industries. A lot of IoT devices like your company’s thermostats, security systems, vending machines, lights, and more rely on this kind of connectivity.

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