Is U.S. Social Media Becoming the New WeChat?

facebook wechat social media

When WeChat was released in 2011, it became the most popular standalone mobile app in the world with over 1 billion monthly users, eclipsing Facebook in monthly traffic, according to […]

How AI and Blockchain Can Fight the Next COVID

ai blockchain covid technology

Artificial intelligence is being utilized in almost every piece of tech these days. Machine learningand computer vision are making self-driving cars and robot assistants a reality. But AI is more […]

CES 2022 to Require Vax Proof or Clean Covid-19 Test

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® today announced that CES® 2022, the world’s most influential technology event, will require in-person attendees to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination. CES 2022 will take place in Las Vegas on January 5-8, 2022. For those who may be […]

Digital Health Innovations Helping Combat COVID-19


Health-care professionals worldwide typically have access to the latest and greatest technology that can be used to diagnose, treat, and prevent health conditions. Innovation is often borne out of necessity, […]

In The Wake Of U.S. COVID-19 Mutation; Medical Professionals Are “Doubling Down”

COVID-19 Mutation

SIU professor who discovered U.S. variant tells Innovation & Tech Today “Time will Tell”

Research from Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIU) has uncovered a new variant of the COVID-19 virus specific to the United States. According to the study, there is already a growing list of mutations in the United Kingdom and South Africa, while the U.S. version is suspected of being more transmissible than other variants, while its impact on vaccines is uncertain.

Microsoft Will Provide Teachers With Back-to-School EduDay Jan. 20

The education system has faced some unusual challenges in 2020. As COVID-19 forced many schools to close their doors, 93% of school-aged children started engaging in some form of distance learning. For many school systems, this meant embracing technology, and Microsoft has taken note.

5 Tech Trends To Watch In 2021


Challenges for the tech world skyrocketed in the face of a global pandemic. Computer power, health initiatives, artificial intelligence, and the like required a level of real-time innovation previously unprecedented. Here are five tech trends to keep an eye on in the coming year.

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