
Top 10 Sustainable Fashion Companies

By Melissa Jenkins & Destiny Nolan Fashion companies have gotten the message loud and clear: sustainable practices, hiring choices, materials selection, growing of plants needed to make materials, and disposal

A Lifetime of Playing with Sharks

Valerie Taylor has called more attention to the plight of sharks than anyone alive. Now, she’s the subject and star of a Disney+ documentary. Valerie Taylor doesn’t like to follow


Crayola and OceanX Announce Tidal Wave Partnership

Crayola, the premier children’s creativity brand, and OceanX, a leading global non-profit ocean exploration organization, are partnering to bring the wonders of the ocean to the next generation through imagination and


Sustainability in … Cotton Swabs?

We’ve all seen the heartbreaking image of the seahorse clinging to a Q-tip, taken by environmental activist and wildlife photographer Justin Hofman, underscoring the desperate need to reduce plastic waste

A Green Tech Boom Could Solve the Ecological Crisis After COVID

During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people excitedly analyzed positive environmental changes caused by the lockdowns associated with it. For example, air and water quality improved due to decreases in car and boat traffic. Environmental conservationists wondered if the pandemic could signal a remarkable improvement in sustainability.

Post-Pandemic SUVs Head Two Different Directions

New Models Introduced This Week Offer Electric or High-Horsepower Gas Choices

The automotive market is not always clear in the direction it’s taking at any given moment. This week was one of those weeks. Future SUV buyers are going to be able to choose from a very green path or one emphasizing horsepower and off-road proficiency.

Big Wheels Keep on Turning…Quietly

While headlines have showcased a dip in the light-duty car sector, big trucks, commercial vehicles, over-the-road, and short-haul semis have seen a surge in recent technology deployments.

Trees, Tech, and Climate Change

An inside look at the technologies protecting our nation’s forests From paper goods to lumber and wildlife habitat to recreation, our forests provide value in countless ways. However, forest management

Self-Driving Cars Are Not a Safety Solution

There are two ways of looking at autonomous vehicles, and both of them are true. A thorough analysis by one of country’s leading automotive insurance research groups threw some hard data—some would say cold water—on self-driving car technology and the reactions were in predictably stark contrasts. Potential headlines on the news:

New Injection Molding Technology Could Close COVID-19 Testing Gap

Following the White House’s declared state of emergency in March and subsequent Harvard study showing a need for up to 20 million COVID-19 tests per day by the end of summer, innovation from the manufacturing industry has responded with a scalable technology capable of closing the testing gap. 

Top 10 Sustainable Fashion Companies

By Melissa Jenkins & Destiny Nolan Fashion companies have gotten the message loud and clear: sustainable practices, hiring choices, materials selection, growing of plants needed to make materials, and disposal

A Lifetime of Playing with Sharks

Valerie Taylor has called more attention to the plight of sharks than anyone alive. Now, she’s the subject and star of a Disney+ documentary. Valerie Taylor doesn’t like to follow


Crayola and OceanX Announce Tidal Wave Partnership

Crayola, the premier children’s creativity brand, and OceanX, a leading global non-profit ocean exploration organization, are partnering to bring the wonders of the ocean to the next generation through imagination and


Sustainability in … Cotton Swabs?

We’ve all seen the heartbreaking image of the seahorse clinging to a Q-tip, taken by environmental activist and wildlife photographer Justin Hofman, underscoring the desperate need to reduce plastic waste

A Green Tech Boom Could Solve the Ecological Crisis After COVID

During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people excitedly analyzed positive environmental changes caused by the lockdowns associated with it. For example, air and water quality improved due to decreases in car and boat traffic. Environmental conservationists wondered if the pandemic could signal a remarkable improvement in sustainability.

Post-Pandemic SUVs Head Two Different Directions

New Models Introduced This Week Offer Electric or High-Horsepower Gas Choices

The automotive market is not always clear in the direction it’s taking at any given moment. This week was one of those weeks. Future SUV buyers are going to be able to choose from a very green path or one emphasizing horsepower and off-road proficiency.

Big Wheels Keep on Turning…Quietly

While headlines have showcased a dip in the light-duty car sector, big trucks, commercial vehicles, over-the-road, and short-haul semis have seen a surge in recent technology deployments.

Trees, Tech, and Climate Change

An inside look at the technologies protecting our nation’s forests From paper goods to lumber and wildlife habitat to recreation, our forests provide value in countless ways. However, forest management

Self-Driving Cars Are Not a Safety Solution

There are two ways of looking at autonomous vehicles, and both of them are true. A thorough analysis by one of country’s leading automotive insurance research groups threw some hard data—some would say cold water—on self-driving car technology and the reactions were in predictably stark contrasts. Potential headlines on the news:

New Injection Molding Technology Could Close COVID-19 Testing Gap

Following the White House’s declared state of emergency in March and subsequent Harvard study showing a need for up to 20 million COVID-19 tests per day by the end of summer, innovation from the manufacturing industry has responded with a scalable technology capable of closing the testing gap. 





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