Turkey Day is just around the corner and as excited as I am for the fantastic food and the amazing Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday deals, I wanted to take a minute to talk about the thing for which I am truly thankful: Food Porn.

As turkeys are baked, smoked, fried, or sous vide, I know that soon my streams will be filled with pictures of delicious turkey meals prepped for loving family gatherings. I went back to drool over the Tweets of feasts past and was surprised by what I found. The “food selfie” is as ubiquitous on social media as the “duck face.” And I would dare say the former has garnered more vitriol than the “fowl” selfie. Why you mad, bro?
I know that it’s borderline narcissistic to think that anyone cares what you’re having for dinner. If you’re sharing your fish sandwich at McD’s, you definitely have a problem (unless your self-deprecation game is strong). But honestly, it’s no more annoying than pictures of your stupid kids getting an eighth-place trophy or your dog/cat/bird making a funny face.

I love food. High-class and sophisticated meals like the one I recently enjoyed at Row 34 in Boston (incredible clam chowder and a massive selection of oysters that will educate you on the varying consistency and flavors). Low-class and simply delicious like when I cook a box of mac and cheese and mix in a can of tuna fish and Sriracha. Mid-class and amazing like my wife’s meatloaf.
Each of these meals on their own are nice … just nice. But the meaning that they have, the amazing trip that Boston was for GreenBuild, the connection to more carefree bachelor days, the love that went into learning to cook, are why these meals stand out in my mind. So, when I see a friend or colleague or some celebrity that I follow share their meal, it’s a glimpse into their lives and I’m happy for it. I would contend that when you lose it over another’s food shot, maybe you shouldn’t be following them. Maybe it’s not the pedestrian nature of the meal or the photo’s subject, but the low level of give-a-damn you have for that person. Or maybe you need to just relax and tell them how delicious that looks and how you wish you were with them.

We’d love to see what you’re cooking up this holiday season. Post your best #gobblegobble shots and we’ll pick someone at random next week to win something fun for the kitchen.
PS: For the love of god, don’t show us what Arby’s turkey looks like when you open the bun up. We know it’s not good for us, but we just can’t help ourselves.