Latest Health Tech Wearables for Fall 2022

health tech wearable guide smart watch fitbit

Check out the latest fitness wearables for the upcoming season with Innovation & Tech’s curated product guide. OMRON HeartGuide Designed to fit your lifestyle, HeartGuide is a clinically accurate, wearable […]

Top Wearable Trends in 2020

Wearables is arguably one of the biggest buzzwords in technology this year. Not only are smartwatches becoming increasingly popular with more and more models being released, but this realm of technology is also branching out into many new and exciting areas. This range from medical wearables to smart rings, and many have the potential to change our lives for the better.

Wearables Might Be Powered by Sweat Sooner Than You Think

The future of wearables is here. These devices have been around for a few years but have recently taken off as hot commodities. Whether it’s for exercise or health, wearable technology is becoming increasingly valuable. Though these devices usually use battery power to operate, new wearable technology now has a biological option — sweat.

Why Olympic Gold Medalist Angela Ruggiero is Wary of Wearables

One of our favorite interviews at CES this year was with four-time Olympic medalist Angela Ruggiero, the CEO and co-founder of the market research firm Sports Innovation Lab. As a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, Ruggiero knows a thing or two about conditioning, explaining her personal views on fitness tech, specifically wearables, during our conversation. 

Powering Wearables & IOT Summit

Infocast’s inaugural Powering Wearables & IoT Summit brings together visionary product developers, strategists and system engineering technologists from leading global brands in the consumer electronics, sports, health, and fashion/textile industries […]

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