Using Digital Health Technology To Advance Medical Nutrition Therapy
Diet is the number one-cause of premature death and disability in the world; and most deaths can be prevented by diet. Recent research also shows diet-related conditions to contribute to poorer outcomes for COVID-19 patients. Adhering to a well-balanced diet has the ability to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer by up to 90 percent and may help fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Diet therapy is not just preventative, it can also play a large role in the management and treatment of both acute and chronic disease through medical nutrition therapy.
Restaurants Are Using Tech To Survive The Pandemic
COVID-19 took the world by storm. People have been dealing for nearly a full year with the virus’s effects. How long it will stick around is unknown. One industry that’s taken a particularly hard hit is restaurants. With social distancing and quarantines, people have been turning away from dining for the most part. However, technology is here to help.
Automated Restaurants: The Weird Future Of Smart Food Service
Fast food has long retained its name for a reason – it’s pretty much the quickest way you can get a meal. Even if McDonald’s all day breakfast threw a […]