Star Wars: The Last Jedi is almost here! The next grand adventure from a place far away in a time long, long ago is about to be unveiled to the world. But you probably already knew that. You’ve probably already seen all the previews, heard all the hype, and accidentally read all the spoilers.
However, before we take our yearly trip to the theaters to see merchandisable robots and light sword battles, let’s take a look at some interesting Star Wars facts you may not be aware of. In today’s special episode of Quick Bytes, hosts Anthony and Alex examine some must-know factoids about the Star Wars universe you may not be aware of. Along the way, they discuss Gillette razors, catchphrases, and alien dogs. Additionally, unofficial President of the Hayden Christensen Fan Club Alex Moersen may or may not storm off the set at the end of the video. Stay tuned to find out.

Make sure to subscribe to the official Innovation & Tech Today YouTube channel for more fun, informative videos. And make sure to check out our official guide on how to avoid Star Wars: The Last Jedi spoilers and our list of the greatest Star Wars build videos available on YouTube.