July 26, 2024

Innovation & Tech Today


Buyer’s guide: The Top 50 Most Innovative Products
Employee Wellness Kilo Health
Photo courtesy of Kilo Health

Meet the Company Making Employee Wellness Truly Accessible to Businesses

No matter if it’s the flu or a depressive episode, every employee is aware of the impact that poor health can have on their work performance. This is why it is so surprising that many employers don’t seem to be aware of this reality. Despite the clear and well-established relationship between employee health and productivity, which was systemized as far back as 1700, data shows almost 50% of workers saw their overall wellness decrease in 2022.

While employers have been steadily increasing their efforts to improve employee wellness over the past years, these efforts seem to have fallen short so far. This has opened the doors for companies to find innovative ways to supply the demand for better solutions. Of all these companies, Kilo Health has proven to be one of the most successful in offering businesses just what they are looking for.

Founded by Tadas Burgaila, Kilo Health is a digital health and wellness company providing employers with the tools to help their employees lead healthier lives. Kilo Health’s B2B model is specifically designed to be as effective as possible when it comes to improving employee wellness while also making things for employers. This is possible because of the company’s innovative use of digital healthcare to offer on-demand care and great accessibility. 

“Digital health should be an integral part of health priorities and benefit people in a way that is ethical, safe, secure, reliable, equitable and sustainable,” Reads the World Health Organization’s Global strategy on digital health 2020-2025. “It should be developed with principles of transparency, accessibility, scalability, replicability, interoperability, privacy, security, and confidentiality”

These principles are closely followed by Kilo Health in all of its programs, which include diabetes management, cardiovascular health, mental wellness, and weight management. This modularity of its services allows Kilo Health to offer a more personalized experience to employees, all without increasing costs for employers.

So far, this strategy has proven quite effective for the Vilniaus-based company as it has experienced unprecedented growth over the past years. In fact, the company was recognized by The Financial Times as the second-fastest growing European company back in 2021. The company’s performance over the past year is the result of a growing trend in the workplace: taking care of employee health. 

“Low life quality leads to a huge drop in productivity and an increase in workplace absenteeism,” Says Kilo Health’s Head of Medical Affairs Kasparas Aleknavicius. “Companies that set their business in the lowest-performing states should focus on building their workplace health benefits programs and ensure their people stay healthy, even if the conditions are not ideal.“

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that businesses are capable of adapting quickly to changing circumstances when necessary. While some organizations have been hesitant to invest in the health and well-being of their employees due to cost considerations, others, like Kilo Health, have recognized the importance of supporting employee wellness and have made affordability a priority. It is now up to every employer to choose which side they will be on… no excuses.

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By I&T Today

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