The 21st century has given us innovations, from smart devices to medical technology and even artificial intelligence. However, forget all of those inventions because the defining tech of this era is on its way: a robotic dog that can sniff and judge smelly feet.
Hana-Chan, a creation that will undoubtedly end up in history books someday, has one simple task: judging odors. The six-inch long adorable robot does this by alerting you in a few different ways: it responds with a simple bark if your feet only smell a little bad, but, if the rankness of your feet has reached incomprehensible threat levels, Hana-Chan will actually pass out. Pretty dramatic for something without a soul.
However, Hana-Chan doesn’t just shame you for re-wearing the same socks for the past week. If you’re suffering from smelly feet, it will spray you with some air freshener to help cover you until you get home and do some laundry. Or until tomorrow where you wear the same socks and repeat the entire process, Twilight Zone-style.
Now that we’ve gone over all the wonderful facts about the futuristic Hana-Chan, there is some bad news. You see, while there is a video showcasing what the robot can do and plenty of new information available, it unfortunately won’t be available for purchase until 2018. Additionally, it’s not some bargain bin odor-sniffing robot dog. Hana-Chan looks to cost 100,000 yen, or roughly around $900. So, if you find yourself coming across some extra cash and are presented with the choice of purchasing an iPhone X or Hana-Chan next year, you know what to do. And I hope you enjoy your new Hana-Chan.
Considering the news this year that Chuck E. Cheese is putting an end to its iconic animatronic robot band (which, as a childhood fan, is the reason I’m currently picketing my local store every day by the way), it feels good to have some positive robot-related stories. Additionally, is it possible Hana-Chan will inspire more robot animals that will help us with modern day inconveniences? Maybe a robotic parrot that smells your breath or a robotic turtle that purifies the air or even a robotic rabbit that helps you talk your way out of parking tickets. There’s probably worse ways to spend your disposable income. Probably.
Featured Image Courtesy of YouTube user HanaCF’s channel