Never mind fingerprints, eye recognition, or even your signature. Soon, purchasing will be all about facial recognition. In fact, MasterCard is developing an eye recognition program as a means of reducing fraud.
How will this work? The company will select about 500 customers to test the system. After a purchase, a pop-up will appear and ask for your authorization. If you selected a fingerprint as your biometric verification, all it takes is a touch. If you choose facial recognition, you then stare at your phone, blink once, and that’s it!
According to MasterCard, in order for the company to truly pull this off, they had to partner with a smartphone maker. There is some precedent of banks using the iPhone’s fingerprint scanner. And with the growing security threats associated with a simple password, biometrics just may be the next logical step.
by Laura Jordan
Photo Credit: Keoni Cabral on Flickr.