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Innovation & Tech Today


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This Week’s Top 5 Tech Stories You Must Know- February Week 4

Lots has happened this past week in the tech world! With Lenovo launching a new see-through screen laptop, Figure AI receiving large investments, Apple investing in generative AI, and more, there’s much to catch up on. So, let’s get started! 

Lenovo Launches New See-Through Screen Laptop

On Feb. 26, Lenovo showcased a prototype laptop featuring a transparent tech screen, highlighting the company’s commitment to innovation in the wake of challenging times for the PC market.

This laptop includes a trackpad with a touch keyboard and a stylus, facilitating drawing and navigation. Lenovo addressed the purpose of this by showcasing some of its capabilities.

During a demonstration for CNBC, a representative positioned an artificial sunflower behind the transparent screen. The laptop’s built-in camera successfully identified the object as a sunflower, utilizing artificial intelligence technology to provide relevant information.

Figure AI Receives Large Investments

Figure AI, a startup dedicated to constructing humanoid robots capable of undertaking hazardous and undesirable tasks, has received substantial support from major players in artificial intelligence.

On Feb. 29, the tech company announced a successful funding round, securing $675 million at a valuation of $2.6 billion. Notable investors in this round include Jeff Bezos, Nvidia, Microsoft, and Amazon’s $1 billion Industrial Innovation Fund.

The company envisions the robots in manufacturing, shipping, logistics, warehousing, and retail—particularly in areas facing acute labor shortages. It’s important to note that Figure AI explicitly excludes any military or defense applications for its machines.

Apple Invests in Generative AI

On Feb. 28, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced a substantial tech investment in artificial intelligence (AI), signaling the company’s embrace of the prevailing generative AI trend within the tech industry.

At Apple’s annual shareholder meeting conducted virtually, Cook highlighted the “incredible breakthrough potential for generative AI” and emphasized the company’s significant financial commitment to this area. He shared that investing in generative AI would unlock transformative opportunities for users, particularly in productivity and problem-solving.

Oppo Air Glass 3 Prototype Released

On Feb. 26, Oppo revealed a prototype of augmented reality (AR) glasses featuring a voice assistant, highlighting the trend among major electronics companies to integrate artificial intelligence into their products for a distinctive edge.

Oppo, a prominent Chinese smartphone manufacturer, introduced the Oppo Air Glass 3 during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Designed to resemble regular glasses, Oppo aims to create a wearable design suitable for everyday use, complementing smartphones. With AR glasses, users can view digital content superimposed onto their real-world surroundings. This could include information such as messages or navigation maps.

US Government Opens Investigation on Chinese Vehicles

The US government began investigating the potential national security risks associated with smart car technology manufactured in China and other designated countries. The investigation, led by the US Commerce Department, will specifically target “connected vehicles,” encompassing any automobile with internet connectivity. 

There are concerns about the possibility of exploitation through cameras, sensors, and onboard computers, which could gather sensitive data on US citizens and critical infrastructure.

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By I&T Today

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