Photo via Radix Technologies

Taking the Android TV Beyond Home Entertainment in 2024

Televisions are not going anywhere anytime soon. Rather, people have pivoted their television consumption patterns—and manufacturers have taken notice and adapted accordingly. One of the biggest trends we’ve witnessed in recent years is the growing popularity of Android TV devices.

Android TV devices aren’t just for home use, though; part of their popularity stems from their convenience in business applications, particularly in hospitality settings like hotels. That said, as these screens become so ubiquitous, businesses need a way to manage them. At home, a casual user can get by with their handheld remote for a single Android TV. But when you’re managing a fleet of screens in the workplace, you need a more practical solution.

Enter mobile device management (MDM) tools. MDM devices can help you govern all your screen activity from one central control; with the right MDM, you can effectively engineer a one-stop command center for all your business’s digital needs.

Let’s unpack ways MDMs can help elevate and streamline business Android TV use in 2024.

Improving Experiences for Travelers Everywhere

If you’re in the hospitality industry, you’ll understand the importance of having reliable entertainment available for clients. It used to be easy to share accounts across multiple devices; however, subscription services have noted that this results in a loss of revenue. In response, we’ve witnessed a crackdown on account sharing.

In 2024, you can expect increased implementation of MDM tools alongside Android TV deployments to better modulate account usage. This can help hotels and restaurant chains manage which devices are connected to which accounts and on which screens. With the right device management software, it just takes a quick scan to determine proper account usage.

This usage extends beyond hospitality. Consider the last time you visited the airports—how many screens need constant updates and coordination to display accurate arrival, departure, and delay times? MDMs let you control these displays across the entire network. This allows you to update the correct screens across the entire complex in a flash. With so many travelers passing through terminals every minute, this sort of real-time accuracy is imperative.

When looking for the perfect MDM, look for a tool that allows full control from a single interface—including managing, maintaining, configuring, tracking, and locking devices. This will help ensure that only the devices actively serving guests tap into a pooled account at a given time. Centralized control through an easy-to-access MDM also democratizes control—now, any manager on duty can sign in, enable, or disable screens as needed.

Better Guest Experiences Are Here to Stay

Once guests have checked into their accommodation, they should be able to access streaming services on their television without any hindrance. This has become the standard in the hotel industry and broadened beyond traditional hotels to Airbnb and other accommodations. Often, proprietors operate these devices so guests can sign into their accounts right from the hotel or Airbnb TV.

However, as mentioned earlier, the crackdown from streaming giants like Netflix can throw a wrench in this operation. Streaming services are constantly tracking IP addresses and device IDs to be sure that streamers are who (and where) they say they are. What do you do when a guest can’t access their account? What if they lock themselves out of the hotel’s account? Or perhaps a previous guest left themselves signed in, disabling other users from accessing services on the TV?

Rather than having to dispatch maintenance to fix the problem—if they can even fix it manually—you can connect and disconnect accounts right from your remote MDM terminal. Your concierge staff can even have training to handle these connections on the fly when a frustrated guest calls down from their room, whether it’s signing out an old account or reconnecting them to the house account. Better guest experiences—and faster, for less work: that’s the key!

Photo via Radix Technologies

Immersive, Intimate Environments with HD Display Signage

MDM Android TV uses extend beyond the travel sphere and can bleed into everyday life. Digital-out-of-home (DOOH) advertising is incredibly popular for retail brands—think of all the digital ads displayed in storefronts, at mall kiosks, or even walking down a busy city street, say at the bus stop. These screens need continual attention to ensure the right ads play at the right time.

You might be cycling multiple campaigns for your business, or if you manage these devices publicly on behalf of several companies, you should ensure you schedule the correct programming accordingly. With an MDM, you can control all of these screens at once, updating ads and shifting them around to maximize impact.

Display Real-Time Telemetry

Defined in the simplest way possible, telemetry refers to the remote data collection process. Once this data is collected, you need a way to display it to workers, managers, and workers in an intuitively understandable manner. 

When it comes to manufacturing, displaying this data instantly is often a matter of security and safety. If there have been cybersecurity issues or emergencies within the manufacturing process, you want to know so you can take remedial effects. You can’t fix what you don’t know about, after all.

Using a high-quality MDM, you’ll be able to display data collected from different devices and apps on one screen. MDMs allow you to concentrate and project this information across Android TV devices on the fly; with this power at your fingertips, you can handle your team’s critical data displays with minimal hassle. 

MDMs and the Android TV: A Modern Solution to Modern Problems

Android TVs have worked their way into our lives permanently, whether it’s for traditional uses at home, in hotels, in restaurants—or more commercial uses like airports, DOOH campaigns, and even manufacturing. With these TV screens playing such a pivotal, multifaceted role, proper management—via a robust MDM tool—will be a must in 2024.

Using multiple apps to manage your devices is simply inefficient; you need a single platform that lets perform every function you need from one place. Be sure to do your research and find an MDM that makes life easier for you, your staff, and your customers this year. 

Picture of By Nadav Avni

By Nadav Avni

Nadav Avni is the CMO at Radix Technologies. For almost 4 years, he has been with Radix, starting as Marketing Director and later being promoted to CMO. He is an experienced professional with vast marketing experience from technology and advertising companies.

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