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marketing software

Are Your Software Products Ready for Global Marketing?

Taking a product global requires a lot more than just using the same marketing strategies that worked in one small market.

Globalization is amazing in that you have more opportunities than ever before. Yet, there are many companies that litter the road that makes the world a much smaller place. These global marketing fails have turned reliable brands into laughing stocks.

How can you create a global software product and take it worldwide? Read to find out the top tips to take your software global.  

Ensure Your Software is Viable

How do you know your software is a viable product for global sale? Research. Entering a new market on a whim can cost your business a lot of money.

The research will help you protect that investment. The best way to approach research is to make a list of questions that you need to answer before you enter a market.

  • What is the level of need for your software?
  • Who are the big competitors in the market?
  • Are they local or global companies?
  • How will you set your company apart from the competition?
  • Who are your main target markets (small business owners, governments, etc.)?
  • Are there currency conversions that need to be handled?
  • What sales channels will you use (online, in-person, both)?
  • What are the cultural and language barriers?
  • Will you need to open a local office in these markets?

Out of these questions, you’ll find that some markets make more sense to enter than others. Make a list of those markets.

Determine Your Go-to-Market Strategy

You will have a good list of markets to enter. One question you have to answer is if you will attack these markets at once or one at a time?

Part of your strategy will depend on your budget. It’s expensive to enter new markets because you have to completely establish your brand from scratch. You may need to open a local presence, especially if your software is a high-ticket item that requires multiple visits before the deal closes.

The timing of your product launch will also determine the success or failure of your software product. You need to take into account holidays in your new markets and bank holidays.

Understand Language and Cultural Differences

Did you know that there are hundreds of dialects in Mexico? There are big cultural differences between Uruguay and Spain, even language differences.

Marketers operate under a lot of assumptions. They assume that targeting Spanish-speaking countries is a great idea because Spanish is the same everywhere. Not so fast.

There are minute differences between countries and regions in those countries. That makes technology and software translation a very sensitive issue that you can’t afford to mess up.

When you’re researching markets, not only do you need to know the marketing opportunities, but you need to know your target markets very well.

Develop Individual Marketing Strategies

You should have a go-to-marketing strategy for each market you decide to enter. Even if you’re doing a big global launch, there should be marketing strategies that fall under the umbrella of the big launch.

This will allow you to tailor your marketing strategies for each individual market. Your marketing strategies should outline your tactics, target market, objectives, marketing strategies, timelines, and budgets.

Stay True to Your Brand

At the end of the day, the core of your marketing strategies is your brand. Don’t know what your brand is? You need to define it and make sure it’s consistent in every single market you enter.

A brand isn’t a tagline or your logo. It’s the emotion that people feel when they think of your company. Brand consistency is a must in global marketing. Otherwise, you’re going to have a bunch of separate smaller companies for each market.

People won’t be able to consider your company as a global one. Take larger corporations that have a global presence. Nike’s brand is that everyone is an athlete or an inspiration in some way.

While global marketing tactics may be different around the world, everyone around the world is still an athlete.

Coca-Cola is another global company with a simple brand: happiness. That is one core emotion that people all over the world can share together.

Map Your Customer Journey

Your customers are going to go on a journey. They’re going to become aware of your brand, have an interest in your software, have a desire or need for it, and finally take action to buy it.

That model is the AIDA model – awareness, interest, desire, and action.

Every customer will take this journey, though some customers will go through the journey faster than others. Your marketing efforts need to account for each step.

Execute Your Tactics

The last piece of global marketing is to execute the tactics. Will you need to convert your site to a multi-language site? What about social media accounts for each country? You may decide that you only need one social media account for each network.

If you’re running on a tight budget, you’ll be tempted to use the same content and apply it to different markets. The best way to do that is to use animated videos of your software. You do it once and you add subtitles for each market or you just do a separate voiceover.

Global Marketing Your Software Products

There is a big need for software solutions around the world. There are more people outside the U.S. for you and your business. Before you begin your global marketing strategy, there are a number of things you need to take into consideration.

You need to carefully select those markets and determine the level of business you can do there. You also need to translate your software products and take cultural differences into account.

You can market your software around the world in a way that stays true to your brand. For more innovation and technology tips, check out this site often for the latest.

Picture of By Tom Brett

By Tom Brett

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