Image by Jess Foami from Pixabay

How is Technology Helping People Sleep and Feel Better?

While there are a lot of things we don’t know about sleep, we do know we need it to recharge. Just like our devices, we need a few hours every night to do a bit of maintenance, renew and repair tissues, do a bit of cleaning, and more. 

Each person has an internal body clock unique to their needs and personality that dictates the best time to sleep and the length of the sleep cycle. The same clock dictates if you’re an early riser or a night owl and when you don’t respect its requirements, chances are you’ll end up suffering from sleep deprivation.

But things don’t have to go that far! Even if you feel like murdering your alarm clock every morning, there are ways to improve your sleep so both you and the alarm clock can live happily ever after. 

For instance, technology can lend a hand. There are lots of devices and products out there designed to help you understand the level of your sleep quality and how to improve it. So let’s check some of them out.

#1: Wearable Sleep Monitor

This one is easy to find as it’s usually integrated with fitness bracelets and smartwatches. Just make sure to get one that can track your sleep activity such as the amount of time you spent in deep sleep (not moving or limited movements) and the amount of time you spent tossing and turning.

A wearable monitor usually connects with an app on your phone and helps you track your sleep habits, which is very important. It’s also a way to make sure you get enough sleep.

How many hours of sleep do we need?

Not everyone needs eight hours of sleep – some people can easily make do with six. Plus, some people feel better if they sleep in phases (three hours of sleep before 1 am and three hours between 4 am and 7 am, for instance).

The secret is to sleep enough so you’ll feel rested in the morning and ready for action throughout the day. So track your sleep habits and learn what works for you. 

#2: The Right Mattress/Mattress Pad

And we’re not talking about the level of softness or the materials included in the mattress (even though these are important as well). We’re talking about a surface that can regulate its temperature according to your needs. 

Temperature (too high or too low) often plays a role in how you sleep and heating/cooling systems don’t help that much. However, a sleeping surface that can get cooler/colder as needed is perfect!

#3: Sound Machine

Do you like falling asleep while listening to whales sing? Or maybe you’re more of a nature person and like to hear the forest during heavy rain. 

Regardless of your needs, a sound machine has you covered! You can choose from a wide selection of sound environments and you can even connect it to a pillow with speakers. 

#4: Sleep Machine

This device tries to bring all the tech and features in one place (some sort of all-in-one system). So, if you want diversity without the clutter, a sleep machine may be the rich answer. Most of these devices have a metronome, a light system, and guided breathing meditation to help you get better at falling asleep faster. 

Wrap Up

Good, restful sleep is an integral part of a happy life, which is why you have to invest a bit of time and effort into understanding your habits. Once you do, there are lots of tech tools out there to help you adjust.

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By I&T Today

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