One of the rewards of being a doctor or paramedic is the frequent opportunity to save lives. However, the circumstances surrounding a recent story of saviorhood reported by KTLA in Los Angeles are so unlikely and poignant that they’ve sent ripples of astounded heartwarming smiles across the web. When Orange County paramedic Chris Trokey was born, he weighed 3.2 pounds. His odds for survival were slim, but pediatrician Dr. Michael Shannon didn’t give up on him, burning the midnight oil to make sure this child would live.
Fast-forward to 2011, and Dr. Shannon sits trapped in the twisted, burning metal of his SUV after being hit by a semi-truck. The scene is a grim one. However, who should come to the rescue but his former infant patient Chris Trokey, along with a team of paramedics.
“I didn’t know about until I went to the hospital and started talking about it, Dr. Shannon. And I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, Dr. Shannon?” Trokey said. These reciprocal lifesavers recently reunited at a St. Baldrick’s fundraiser and shared their unbelievably heartwarming tale.
Photo by Lauren Siegert on Flickr.