Luke Smith

STEM Resources for Budding Engineers

Careers in electrical and power engineering can be both personally satisfying and lucrative. In an increasingly technologically reliant society, engineering skills are likely to remain in demand. Therefore, considering pursuing

Social Issues Driving Innovation in Tech

Social issues have always been the preeminent force behind innovation, and technological innovation is no exception. After all, what is the purpose of technology if not to meet a human


Ethics: When to Take a Stand Against AI?

Our digital landscape continues to develop at a rapid pace. The last couple of decades have seen some enormous leaps. This applies to both how advanced technology has become and


New Technologies in Driverless Infrastructure

Life for America’s 3.5 million truck drivers isn’t easy. Truck drivers generally work long hours in less-than-ideal conditions to make ends meet. The trucking industry is also troubled by repair

How AI Is Impacting Hiring And Staffing

We often think about the ways artificial intelligence might displace human workers rather than help them get hired. Fortunately, AI use is transforming the hiring and staffing procedures of many modern businesses to better bring in and manage talent.

AI implementation in hiring and staffing crosses industries and oceans. The Hilton company, for example, makes use of an AI software called AllyO to navigate thousands of applications per day. As a result, the company now makes 83% more offers per recruiter per week than its competitors.

The Little Red Schoolhouse Goes Hi-Tech

Education Automation Saving Time Classroom to Increase Personal Learning

It’s the toughest job in the world. Because when you’re a teacher, you’re not just showing kids how to read, how to add and subtract, or how to understand photosynthesis or the laws of thermodynamics.

STEM Resources for Budding Engineers

Careers in electrical and power engineering can be both personally satisfying and lucrative. In an increasingly technologically reliant society, engineering skills are likely to remain in demand. Therefore, considering pursuing

Social Issues Driving Innovation in Tech

Social issues have always been the preeminent force behind innovation, and technological innovation is no exception. After all, what is the purpose of technology if not to meet a human


Ethics: When to Take a Stand Against AI?

Our digital landscape continues to develop at a rapid pace. The last couple of decades have seen some enormous leaps. This applies to both how advanced technology has become and


New Technologies in Driverless Infrastructure

Life for America’s 3.5 million truck drivers isn’t easy. Truck drivers generally work long hours in less-than-ideal conditions to make ends meet. The trucking industry is also troubled by repair

How AI Is Impacting Hiring And Staffing

We often think about the ways artificial intelligence might displace human workers rather than help them get hired. Fortunately, AI use is transforming the hiring and staffing procedures of many modern businesses to better bring in and manage talent.

AI implementation in hiring and staffing crosses industries and oceans. The Hilton company, for example, makes use of an AI software called AllyO to navigate thousands of applications per day. As a result, the company now makes 83% more offers per recruiter per week than its competitors.

The Little Red Schoolhouse Goes Hi-Tech

Education Automation Saving Time Classroom to Increase Personal Learning

It’s the toughest job in the world. Because when you’re a teacher, you’re not just showing kids how to read, how to add and subtract, or how to understand photosynthesis or the laws of thermodynamics.





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