Outdoor Gear
UE Boom 3
Combining portability and intuitive design, the UE Boom 3 is the ideal speaker for any outdoor enthusiast. Extremely durable, completely waterproof, and even showcasing the ability to float, the UE Boom 3 will keep rocking wherever your adventures take you. $129-$149
1MORE Triple Driver BT In-Ear Headphones![](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20202%20127'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
With iOS optimization and three separate drivers, the 1MORE Triple Driver BT In-EarHeadphones perfectly blend innovative design with next-level sound. Additionally, the combination of Fast Charge technology and seven hours of battery life ensure you can keep moving to the beat. $199
Hydrapak Expedition 8L
Every outdoor adventure enthusiast knows the importance of hydration. The Hydrapak Expedition 8L is the ideal solution, providing easy packability, lightweight design, and impressive storage capacity. $60
A-Champs ROXs 2![](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20221%20148'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
The upgraded sequel to the original ROXs, the ROXs 2 by A-Champs gives users all the fun of gaming without the need for screen time. With more physical activity and creativity required than your standard console, the ROXs 2 encourages kids and adults alike to rethink gaming. Price TBA
Circuit Scribe Drone Builder Kit
Allowing you to assemble your drone, control it using the downloadable app, and even rebuild after a crash, the Circuit Scribe Drone Builder Kit lets you exercise your tinkering abilities and take to the skies. Complete with a 480p camera and built-in gyroscope, this drone kit allows for plenty of fun. $99
Dometic PLB40![](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20184%20184'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Combining power and portability, the PLB40 by Dometic is the ideal travel companion for your outdoor adventures. Able to power a cooler such as the Dometic CFX over the course of a weekend, along with USB and 12V accessories, the PLB40 lets you bring the power to your camping trip. Price TBA
Fitterfirst Active Office Board
While standing desks are seen as a healthier option to sitting, standing all day isn’t necessarily the healthiest choice. Utilizing four foam legs to cushion the feet, knees, legs, and ankles, the Active Office Board will offer you the proper support you need for your standing desk. $100
Yeti Panga 50![](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20169%20169'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Ideal for protecting your valuables in the elements, the Yeti Panga 50’s submersible design ensures that not a single drop of water will touch your belongings. Made durable to take whatever’s thrown at it, the Panga 50 will become one of your favorite adventure accessories. $299
Boulder Denim Jeans
The ideal mixture of comfort and durability, the Boulder Denim Jeans won’t hold you back whether you’re going for an intense hike or a simple stroll around the city. With 360-degree Extreme Diagonal Stretch technology, these jeans move with you, keeping you free to adventure as you see fit. $109-$148
Hyperice Vyper 2.0![](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20200%20200'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Popular with both basic fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes, the Hyperice Vyper 2.0 utilizes a mixture of vibration and pressure to improve your training regimen. Designed for pain relief and muscle recovery alike, there’s a reason sports stars such as Lindsey Vonn and LeBron James use this intuitive fitness roller. $200
Health Products
Quip Electric Toothbrush
Simplifying and improving the dental care experience, the Quip electric toothbrush excels thanks to a user-friendly design. Its use of vibrations is an efficient alternative to brushes that spin, and the Quip will notify you when it’s time to brush a different section of your mouth. Award-winning and affordable, this revolutionary toothbrush deserves a place in your bathroom cabinet. Starting at $40
So much more than a traditional vision test, RightEye’s non-invasive, five-minute test can help users both understand and improve not only their vision, but also their reading comprehension, brain health, and sports performance. Made for both healthcare providers and sports teams, RightEye has its sights set on a clear future. Visit righteye.com to find a healthcare provider near you.
R600TM Power Base
The most innovative product in Reverie’s lineup. Tilt motor introduces inversion and lounge positions for pressure relief. Features include infinite head and foot adjustability, under bed night light, plus 3D-Wave massage technology. Also introducing Reverie Connect, an add-on device that enables 9 direct voice commands. Starting at $1,599
TechCare Plus24 Personal Massager![](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20138%20138'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
With 24 different massage modes such as acupuncture and deep tissue, the TechCare Plus24 Personal Massager provides a diverse range of pain relief. Able to relieve knots and provide an alternative to massage therapy, this device will help you both relax and recover. $38
Airmega 300 by Coway
Adapting to indoor conditions in real time while removing 99.97 percent of particles, this smart air purifier will ensure your home is as clean as can be. With a stylish look and the ability to interact with Amazon Alexa, Airmega will integrate seamlessly into your home. $466
Gaming & Entertainment
Woojer Vest
Unlike anything you’ve experienced before, Woojer’s bone-shaking, location-specific haptic Vest brings to life any multimedia experience from music and gaming to VR and AR. Vest delivers sensations so powerful and accurate it’ll raise everything from your pulse to the little hairs on the back of your neck. $799
Nvidia Shield TV![](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20250%20133'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
The perfect hybrid between a gaming console and a streaming device, the Nvidia Shield allows you to binge some Netflix and have a Fortnite session all in one place. Perfect for anyone looking for a budget-conscious entertainment bundle, the Nvidia Shield TV is truly the best of both worlds. $199 (Gaming Edition)
DarbeeVision DVP-5000S HDMI Video Processor
With DARBEE Visual Presence 2.0 Image Processing and plug-and-play ease of use, the DarbeeVision DVP-5000S HDMI 1.4 (HD1080p/60) Video Processor showcases an incredible step in digital imaging. Customizable settings and beautiful depth and clarity for video and images make this release from DarbeeVision a must-have. $199
Dynamic Mounting Height Adjusting TV Mounts![](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20169%20250'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
These mounts allow Flat Panel TVs to be easily moved Up/Down/In/Out and Swivel Left/Right. Automated and manual versions work great over fireplaces, whiteboards, or anyplace too high. On-wall and recessed versions allow the TV to be as close to the wall as possible. The soundbar accessory allows the entire system to move together to get the perfect view. [Prices Vary]
Royole FlexPai
Royole’s FlexPai is the world’s first commercial foldable smartphone and features Royole’s patented flexible display and sensor technologies. It is a groundbreaking combination of mobile phone and tablet in one sleek device. FlexPai can be used either folded or unfolded, delivering the portability of a smartphone plus the screen size of a high-definition tablet. And, no more broken screens. Unfolded, FlexPai provides a 7.8” large, tablet-size, full color display that, once folded, easily fits into your pocket. Never sacrifice a large screen to enjoy portability again. $1,319 (128gb), $1,469 (256gb)
Connected Products
Eliminating the fear of misplacing your keys, BenjiLock is an innovative take on the padlock that can be opened with nothing more than a fingerprint. With a Shark Tank investment from former Innovation & Tech Today cover star Kevin O’Leary, BenjiLock is a product you should definitely keep an eye on. Price TBA
Gryphon Mesh Security Router![](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20250%20167'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
With all the time children and adults spend online, it’s more vital than ever to keep information safe and avoid harmful content. Featuring content filtering, safe search, and malware and intrusion defense, the Gryphon Mesh Security Router will keep the whole family safe from online dangers. $219
MyCharge UnPlugged 10K
While smartphones can do an incredible amount of activities, saving battery isn’t always standard. Able to increase the battery life of a Qi-enabled phone on the go, the MyCharge UnPlugged 10K portable charger can use up to 10 watts of power, meeting the “fast charging” standard for Samsung and Apple. $69
ChargeHub X5 Elite
Compatible with mobile devices, gaming systems, and laptops alike, the ChargeHub X5 Elite can quickly charge up to six devices at once, including wireless. Whether you keep it in your boardroom or your bedroom, this innovative device will get your battery life back to 100 percent. $79
Mobvoi TicWatch Pro
Utilizing specialized Layered Display technology, the Mobvoi Ticwatch Pro provides users with the best of both worlds. Choose between Smart Mode for Google Play app capability or Essential Mode to check dates and times as well as simple health statistics while conserving the device’s battery life. $249
Product Revolution
A power bank, LED flashlight, and vehicular jump starter compatible with a V8 rolled into one, the JumpSmart definitely deserves a spot in your glovebox. Ideal for emergency situations, JumpSmart will ease your worries. $119
Clear Audio Concept
The ideal combination of simple yet highly intuitive design and top-grade sound, the Clear Audio Concept turntable lets you get the most out of your vinyl records. With customizable color and wood options, you can match this sleek record player with the rest of your entertainment center. Starting at $1,800
Filegear One Plus
Able to generate more space on your smartphone or computer, the Filergear One Plus helps to consolidate your files into one convenient place. Cloud-based and compact, the One Plus is the ideal organizational tool for modern times. $249
Altec Lansing Xpedition 8
Waterproof, dustproof, and utilizing dual 8” woofers, the Altec Lansing Xpedition 8 is tough, loud, and stylish. Bluetooth/NFC pairing with 24 hours of battery life means you’ve got plenty of time and flexibility to blast your favorite tunes. $399
Waterfield Air Porter
Designed with travel in mind, the Waterfield Air Porter is the ideal mixture of fashion and function. With a laptop compartment, waterproof zipper, and a flap that adjusts to its fullness, the Air Porter is ready to hit the road. $359
Sonos Amp
Supercharging the volume of everything from your favorite streaming shows to your music discography, the Sonos Amp is the ideal amplifier for any audiophile. With 125 watts per channel, the Sonos Amp adds an extra punch to your current speaker system, allowing you to enjoy every crisp sound. Sleek in design and powered by the Sonos app, this amplifier is the missing piece in your entertainment center. $599
Soundcore Infini Mini
Packing high-quality sound into a compact package, the Soundcore Infini Mini is the ultimate sound bar for your entertainment setup. Utilizing bass port and dual full-range drivers, this sound bar provides deep, powerful sound to your television, turning your home theater into the ideal blockbuster viewing experience. $80
Duplo Steam Train
With app control capabilities and plenty of customization possibilities, the Duplo Steam Train is ideal for the curious young toddler. Utilizing five differently colored bricks, young children can experiment by controlling their Steam Train to move backward and forward, adjust the lights, sound the horn, and even stop to refuel. $59
Audio Technica Direct-Drive Professional Turntable
A perfect blend of classic technology and modern flair, the Audio Technica Direct-Drive Professional Turntable is not your father’s record player. Able to connect to PCs and Macs, this innovative turntable lets you to create audio files from your vinyl records, allowing you to take your favorite classic records on the go. $299
Moto Z3
The very first of its kind, the Moto Z3 smartphone can be upgraded to the 5G network with attachments known as “Moto mods.” With available mods to turn the Z3 into a functional photo printer, gaming console, and projector, this is one truly versatile smartphone. $480
Atmotube 2.0
Considering we take more than 20,000 breaths a day and good air quality isn’t always a given, it’s important to make sure what we breathe in won’t be harmful. Allowing you to track air quality on the go, the Atmotube looks to help users combat the risks of lung disease and asthma. $89
Add some ambience to your favorite tunes with the LED-flickering TikiTunes speaker. Dust and water resistant with six hours of playtime, this speaker is perfect for indoor jam sessions and outdoor parties alike. $39
Altec Action Cam Speaker
As stylish as it is powerful, the Altec Action Cam Speaker won’t hold you back thanks to its fifteen hours of battery. With two hours of video recording, this versatile speaker definitely belongs on your wish list. $299
PowerA Wireless Nintendo Switch Controllers
Featuring Bluetooth and motion control capabilities, the PowerA Wireless Nintendo Switch Controllers definitely deserve a place in your game room. Whether you’re playing solo or have a player 2 handy, this well-designed controller will help you get your game on in style. $50
Elixinol Pure CBD Tincture
Providing a CBD that’s fast-acting and doesn’t skip out when it comes to taste, the Elixinol Pure CBD Tincture provides plenty of quality in a small package. Packaged to defend from light damage and sweetened naturally with Stevia, the Elixinol Pure CBD Tincture provides 60 hemp oil servings in each bottle. $59 (300 mg)
Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Yoga
Designed with a clever 360-degree hinge, the Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Yoga is a flexible laptop for the modern worker. Showcasing a high-quality HDR display and a ThinkPad pen for creative capabilities, this computer definitely deserves a spot in your laptop bag. Starting at $1169
Oreck Cordless Vacuum with POD Technology
With an innovative bagless design thanks to the POD Technology, the Oreck Cordless Vacuum reimagines how you get rid of dirt and dust. Thanks to the POD Technology’s self-sealing design, disposal is simple and mess-free. $569
zSpace Laptop
The zSpace Laptop breaks the screen barrier, combining a range of innovations including 3D display, head tracking, and motion stylus to let people dive into the content as if it were a real-world experience. Over 1 million students have already used zSpace, with additional opportunities for healthcare, entertainment, shopping, and beyond. Visit www.zspace.com to learn more.
Caavo Control Center
Solving the ever-present problem of multiple remotes, the Caavo Control Center lets you take control of everything from your gaming console to your satellite box with its Universal Remote. Easy to set up and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Voice, this device will help make tangled cords a thing of the past. $90
DXRacer Jackal
Perfect for the office and the gaming room alike, the DXRacer Jackal is an innovative, versatile chair. Thanks to its 3D armrest technology and breathable mesh composition, the Jackal provides maximum comfort for gaming and work sessions alike. Price TBA
Part LED lamp, part charging dock, the LumiCharge definitely deserves a place on your desk. With three different hues, 10 levels of light intensity, and an LED display to show time and weather, the LumiCharge revolutionizes the basic desk lamp. $89
Matador Beast 28
With a rugged design that is ready for travel, the Matador Beast28 is ready to hit the road. Excellent for destination hiking, basic exploration, or camping, the Beast28 will carry your much-needed supplies throughout your outdoor adventures. $90
DTV Shredder
The DTV Shredder has captured the freedom riders feel carving on a board and applied it to a motorized tracked vehicle. The result; a revolutionary stand-up off-road vehicle that keeps shredding all year round! $4,499
RIVA Concert
An innovative smart speaker with built-in Alexa and stereophonic sound, the RIVA Concert is the next evolution in smart speakers. Portable, well-designed, and full of features, this smart speaker is ideal for jamming out in your smart home. $179
Vizio P Series
With over a billion colors provided by the Ultra Color Spectrum and 4K HDR with Active Full Array Pro, the Vizio P Series is a sight to behold. With a number of different smart options including Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, the P Series is the ultimate smart TV for blockbusters and beyond. $799-1,999